Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Summer Begins!

We just finished another wonderful school year!  I must say it was a challenging year, but a great one for the both of us.  We are both looking forward to some time off to truly "live it up."  I can't remember where Amber and I were going the other day, but she looked over at me and said, "Quinn, I want to live it up this summer and do some exciting things."  That comment caught me off guard so I asked Amber, "What kind of things do you have in mind?"  She replied back, "I don't know, like, let's go to the Farmer's Market!"  I looked at her and began to laugh my head off.  She wasn't laughing so I guess we will be taking a trip to the Farmer's Market one day this summer.  Here is something random for you all today...found this on youtube and thought it was simply amazing!  Zack Attack is Back!

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